Installing a roll-up automátic cover has many advantages for you:


– Reduction of heating decosts by 80%.

– Drastic reduction of evaporation.

– Savings of water and chemical products by 60%.

– Reduction of filtration and cleaning costs.

– inhibits the growth of algae in water.

Of security:

– They support the weight of a person so they are essential for the protection of children and pets

– in combination with fastening straps they comply with the French safety regulations for private swimming pools.

Of comfort:

– Automatic operation by opening and closing control key with possibility of remote control.

– They avoid the visual impact of the elevated covers.

– They keep the temperature of the water especially at night.

– Extend the bathing season.

– With solar polycarbonate slats the water temperature is increased.

Installation systems

The covers can be installed both outside and inside the pool.